Below is some information relating to Pyxis Software that may be of interest. Primarily due to COVID, a new emphasis has been placed on remote working. Workflow, Cloud-Clock and Private Cloud applications have all been updated to account for this new reality.

As an example, when a staff member is using Workflow at home, they can simply ‘request’ a job folder from a central server or computer back at HQ that will then automatically share that file via the cloud. The user is notified after the file has been downloaded and placed on their own computer. Similarly, remote users can send files or folders to the central server, or can send a print-ready pdf to the necessary directory at HQ for printing.

Pyxis continually assists customers with all kinds of imposition and variable data jobs. Typically, we will create a screen recording while imposing the job and then share the mp4 file and the imposed job with the customer, so they can understand how the imposition was created. This support is free to all customers.

While our website is useful for some relevant information, the list below should give readers a good idea of the range of applications that have been developed to meet the needs of the print and packaging sectors. Note that versions of the software products listed below are available for both Windows and Apple computers.


  • Pricing, Customer and file management system.
  • NEW - File Linking - Optional, users can now enable File-Linking to manage and keep track of physical files on their computers / network.
  • NEW - Auto-Create Design File - Optional, users can create the Adobe Indesign file and save it automatically to the network / computer.
  • NEW - Auto-Create PDF - Optional, users can auto export the final PDF with crop marks and bleed, with naming and location taken care of by Workflow.
  • NEW - Remote Working - Users working from home or other locations can interact with files located at HQ.
  • JOB STATES - Include up to a max of 20 customisable states per job: eg, Designed, Proofed, Printed, Invoiced, Delivered, etc.
  • Inbuilt Email templates for semi-automatic quotations.
  • Optional - Supplier product ordering.
  • Optional - Create invoices, statements, credit-notes, etc
  • Optional - Recurring Invoices.
  • Optional - Record all supplier transactions.
  • Optional - Create VAT reports (for use in vat returns)
  • Optional - Create bar-chart / excel files, comparing monthly sales with previous years.
  • Optional - keep track of lodgements, and produce PDF Lodgement dockets.
  • Optional - semi-automatically transfer files to print, either via cloud or over a local network.
  • Optional - Job ready email or text notifications.
  • Under Development - Stock control module.
  • Under Development - Quark XPress linking (currently in beta release).
  • Outstanding Value - at only 50 Euro Month*.
  • One full day’s training is included free for all new Workflow customers.
  • Enables users to get up and running quickly.

Users can clock-in from work or home with all clocked-in team members being visible to all users. The team can optionally book days-off via the system, or input their hours manually.

  • Optional - a default work-week can be applied to any or all team members, who only need to clock-in when they are working alternative hours.
  • Optional - the admin can request daily or/and weekly notices of up-coming days-off from the system.
  • Optional - auto clock-out employees after a specific time.
  • Optional - auto-apply breaks.
  • Optional - Create a PDF Roster, a visual grid-type bar-chart showing start and finish times for each weekday.
  • Optional - Manually create a report for any period.
  • Optional - Key-Type-Security - report any clock-in or clock-out anomalies detected.
  • NEW - Unsocial Hours - Option to apply additional hours on a per employee basis.
  • Under Development - Additional logic to calculate employee annual leave days.
  • Note that this application will eventually replace all other Pyxis Clock:In applications.
  • Outstanding Value - at only 20 Euro Month*.

Private Cloud

  • Easily upload and download files.
  • Customise your own file sharing web-page on your website, no third-parties required.
  • Share any size of file automatically via your own website and you own custom web-page.
  • Set share files to auto-delete after a specific number of days, or to never delete.
  • Synchronise a folder on one computer with another via your own website.
  • Job Monitor - Visually monitor all files arriving in a specific folder (Replaces Pyxis Job Monitor & FX Job Monitor applications).
  • Organise Print Files - Option to transfer monitored files into organised folders - ideal for any prepress environment.
  • This cloud will eventually replace Pyxis Cloud Uploader and Pyxis Cloud Downloader applications.
  • Outstanding Value - at only 12 Euro Month*

Other Print Industry Applications

  • Pyxis Barcode - Fast, powerful application to automatically create and impose vector barcodes for the packaging sector.
  • Pyxis Imposed - Digital imposition application, with variable data options and a comprehensive PDF Toolbox, includes basic AI learning module.
  • Pyxis Calendar - Create accurate PDF calendars fast. Now includes a new diary module.
  • Pyxis News-Impo - Fully automatic imposition for newspapers, no user intervention required.
  • Pyxis MailMerge - Generate pdf envelopes and / or label sheets complete with a Ceadunas stamp option for An Post bulk-mailing.
  • Pyxis Prepress - UNDER DEVELOPMENT - Advanced, easy to use imposition application with pre-defined queues to impose from local machine, network or cloud.
  • Pyxis Ink - Creates customisable ink-key bar-charts for lithographic printing presses. This helps printers set the initial ink key values and is ideal for older ‘disconnected’ presses.
  • Madison - Easy to use application to manage publications, including publishing frequency, customers, advertisements and placement options.
  • Subscriber Manager - Manage publication subscribers, and create auto-renew emails, etc. . .

    I would be happy to provide further information or to arrange a trial of any of the above. So, please feel free to contact me at any time, details below.

    Regarding general information, for this coming year the business plans to continue development of the North American market with ongoing help from Kate Hickey of the Ireland Canada Business Association. The limiting factor has been our use of metric measurement units. The new product, Pyxis Preprress, is our first that has been developed with unit settings at its core and will enable users to fully customise, not only measurement settings, but also, create their own set of ‘output-sheets’ and related lists. I should add that it can be customised for users in Europe too! And it will be our first product to incorporate AI at a fundamental level, that will enable the application to automatically make a vast number of imposition related decisions, instead of the 21 in the current version of Pyxis Imposed. More on that in a future email!

    I would like to conclude by thanking our many customers throughout Ireland and Terry, for your ongoing support. This has been a central part of enabling the development of this enterprise. This help is very much appreciated.

    087 7859713
    057 913 3 913

    * Prices listed above subject to being able to install the necessary files on users’s existing website or computer, where relevant. A relatively small additional fee will apply where an external database is necessary.